The first few months' worries were about Rian's feeding (milk). Then came the struggle with solids, then the teething wave hit, then toddlerhood, followed again by the molars and some more hunger strikes. Now a new wave of independence is sending my little one into fits of super energy. Some of it was witnessed by us at The Jungle while celebrating Shayona's second birthday.
Along with this super energy comes the hurt. Sigh, the hurt. It's getting worse and worse now as the falls are harder, and Rian is taking more risks.
Rian chipped one of his front tooth today morning. He leaned over asking for something from the bathtub, and he was leaning on a step stool. Suddenly he lost his balance and his mouth landed on the bathtub exterior which is tiled :-( It all happened so suddenly and in an instant, there was very little that could be done about it.
The next moment, all I knew was how hard I was crying, seeing that some part of tooth had been damaged, and blood oozed from the broken lips. I quickly called Daddy and quickly tried to cool the wound with some water, in the process washing away the cracked pieces of tooth (I think there were three). My mind dreamed up lots of scary thoughts as I handed him off to Dad, since I didn't see the extent of the damage. My first responses of panic were ... Oh My God, Rian lost BOTH his front tooth! How will he eat now? His speech will be affected! He's gonna look horrible in all his photos. God... this was the worst ever I must have cried.
Turns out 15 mins later, after a good cool down from Daddy and his favorite teething rings soothing his lips, Rian was a happy camper. Mom though was still in the ditches. Finally calmed myself down to get closer to Rian to see the damage. 1/4th of his front tooth - gone. A very sharp edge remains to the tooth - this is bothering Rian's tongue and causing him to wake frequently at night. Here are the before (3 weeks back) and after pictures.