Tagged by Little Finger, here are some of my rough thoughts.
- Patience, strength, persistence. As a 30-smthg mom, I have way more patience than a 20-smthg DINK that I was. I used to think we were "busy" when we had no kids. Now I have a new definition of the word "busy". I can handle way more than I usually do.
- Love. Some would think this is obvious. Memories of new moms holding their kids and immediately going goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the kids come to mind. Don't misunderstand me, I had my fair share of those. Rian had a rough first year though, with his acid reflux, and I switched more into "schedule manager" than "loving mom" mode. As Rian grew into a sweet little toddler though, more of that love keeps growing, coming back to me, reminding me what a special bond I share with this little human being who loves me unconditionally.
- Live for someone else. Before I became a mom, 90% of the things I did were for myself. Now, 90% of the things I do are for Rian. We are literally living our life from his eyes right now, and enjoying his fresh perspectives on everything! We love having him a part of every activity and adventure.
- I am important. In Rian's world, I am invincible. Mommy can do anything, Mommy can get me anything. If I'm in trouble, I can go to Mommy. I am important, and I am loved by Rian. Love that feeling of being the world to him. This feeling makes me do unbelievable things, and fight for my little one.
- Be a better person. As some of you know, I lost 35 pounds in 2010 going from a forever chubby person to a normal looking BMI person. Rian has inspired this change in me, to be a better person, to be a healthier mom, so I can show him how to do it right, and be there to play hide and seek with him. I can be there do hold him on the potty, bend down and make Mumma bridge whenever he wants, and play with him till he's exhausted :-)