Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life in weekend bites

Many a times I feel we live life in weekend bites. Slog through the week just to get to Friday evening, to be relieved from "schedule", to not have to worry about an alarm clock. Saturday mornings are always the best, when I get to sleep in long enough that my alarm clock is a cute walking talking one in pajamas and usually comes in saying "Mumma, good morning Mumma, I love you Mumma" :-) Oh those moments are to live for!

On Saturdays, Rian goes to learn Tae Kwon Do. His classes started from 12 Jan this year, and he's started his second quarter now. This class is a great mix of physical strengthening, discipline, honor, and self defense. Rian enjoys Dad's company for these Saturday morning classes.

This weekend was super crazy, nothing new there. We wanted to go skiing, so Amit and I packed on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Daddy duo were ready, and out for the Tae Kwon Do class, and Mommy finished the last bits of packing and food assembly. When they came in, we went to Ansh's place to cut his and Parikshit's bday cake - black forest from Hot Breads, best Indian pastry with fresh cream. Then it was off to Rian's favorite Auntie Andrea's house. Andrea, my officemate, has a special place in Rian's life - he loves playing with her, talking with her, eating with her, everything. Andrea auntie made special cheese fondue for Rian, and filet mignon steak, with green beans.

After checking out all cameras of Andrea's new car, we were back at the Tae Kwon Do place, as Sir said Rian was ready for testing. Rian had learnt Kee Bong 1 sequence from 1 through 16, and he tested very well. He got a promotion from white belt to the next yellow belt. Rian was super thrilled!

Rian received his promotion at Tae Kwon Do to yellow belt
Rian received his promotion at Tae Kwon Do to yellow belt
After that, we came home, and put our bags and food into the car. At 5pm, we started driving to Tahoe, and we were a bit unhappy with our 9:15pm ETA. The roads were empty and it was such a quick drive that we were in our hotel room at 8:45pm and done with dinner at 9:15pm. We stayed at Motel 6, and the Dominos next door has our favorite thin crust pizza, and we order it half plain cheese and half Pacific Veggie. It was delicious, we all overate :-) and slept at 10pm.

We woke up at 7:15am, and were all ready and driving off at 8:30am. Our room had microwave and fridge, so we carried our milk, sugar, coffee, butter, bread, jam and peanut butter. In the morning, as Amit made Rian ready, I quickly made coffee and 3 PBJ sandwiches. This has been our standard for most ski trips this season. We have the routine worked out to such a T that we're pros at it now!

We had Rian enrolled for ski school but he was not very happy. He kept telling us ski school is too easy, and everyone goes too slow. I think the problem is there are 4 kids to every teacher, and Rian does not get enough attention. With us, he's used to too much attention, and all praise every time. He cried and didn't want to go in. At 10am we got a call saying he's out and wants to talk to us. We cajoled and sent him in again, this time with a ziploc full of Mike and Ikes. At 12:30pm he was out again, crying for us and refusing to go in again. He kept saying I want to ski with you. We checked on what he had done since morning - the kids were on a bunny slope since morning. No wonder this kid was bored. We decided to take him with us.

Unfortunately in the morning, I had 2 bad falls, and Amit too had hurt his knee. Now we are not used to falling as much, since we ski well. These falls were kind of unexpected, and my right knee was badly twisted. To top it all, I didn't realize when I fell, how bad it hurt. I kept skiing. By 1pm, I was definitely limping. The weight of the ski boot was also too much for my knee.

We all had lunch at the top of the mountain, at BBQ Smokehouse 360 - nice restaurant that we had not tried till then. All 3 of us skied down Sugar n Spice. Then I called quits. Rian and Daddy went for 2 more runs on Sugar n Spice. On the first run, they went through the tunnels and forests, did a blue run called Shortswing in between, and also did a second blue run called Lower Castle! My babe was awesome! He was so excited that at 3:20pm, these 2 went up again for a second run through Sugar n Spice. This time around too they did the short blue Shortswing! At 3:50pm when I finally met them, both were exhausted and totally done for the day. I was in line for the hot chocolate already, when Rian said - Mumma, I want a second lunch, I am too hungry! He had a whole pizza slice! Our drive back was peaceful as Rian unexpectedly went to sleep. I guess he was too tired, and his tummy was full. We also bribed him that if he slept, he can watch Diego at home. Our drive back started at 5pm and we were home by 8:15pm. Record time. Record weekend. Awesome weekend. Fun family times. This is life and we are totally loving it!!

Rian and Daddy after 3 back-to-back Sugar-n-Spice runs
Rian and Daddy after 3 back-to-back Sugar-n-Spice runs

Monday, March 11, 2013

A tale of two skis

OR... the SKI is the limit :D

Amit is an avid skier. When we got married, Amit introduced me to skiing in the second month. My first ski experience was my worst - I was neither in shape, nor had the energy required to sustain the learning phase of this activity. Over time, and slow cajoling, and repeated ski trips, I learnt how to ski. The important thing was the desire to ski has been kindled, and it was something Amit had maybe not-so-innocently slipped in - honey, I want to be on top of that snow-laden mountain, with you!

Amit is a good teacher - he has lots of patience, and lots of motivation or cunningness ready to be doled out at any point. Through the next few years we both began enjoying skiing as our winter activity. It became our thing to do when the temperatures dipped and the body just wanted to curl up in bed with masala chai and pakode! Instead we were out there, on top of the mountain, together. He inspiring me to try the next tough slope, every time.

In fall 2007, we were not "planning" to get pregnant, and in fact looking forward to a full season of skiing. Our plan was to start trying after skiing season got over in May 2008. But nature has its ways, and I was pregnant with Rian in Nov 2007. We took a trip to Sierra-at-Tahoe with our friends Vidyut and Sarika, and I decided to sit it out, spend time with my Sudoku book, and possibly snow-shoe. Around lunch, I couldn't just sit anymore, I just HAD TO SKI. I pleaded with Amit and he was more than supportive. I got rentals and off we went, skiing, less than 2 months pregnant :-) I think that's the start of Rian's skiing, to be correct! That's where this story started.

When Rian was little, Amit and I would take a bus to Lake Tahoe ski resorts - leave at 4am and come back the same day by 9pm. The nanny used to stay over 3-4 times in the ski season. We had our ski fix. There were few years when I just could not make it. After WW and losing weight, I realized it is important to have outdoor physical activities that we love and enjoy and are good at. Specially in winters, it is hard to motivate oneself to go the gym or go outdoors for a run or a hike. Slowly we stocked up on better gear - outerwear which was ski appropriate, thermals, ski goggles, ear covers, you name it. Then I had to buy some of it all over again for my new size ;-) It was all fun, but we were PREPARED!

We used to see lots of small kids on the slopes, and we had started to cultivate that dream of having Rian with us on top of that mountain. Rian was first introduced to skiing last year in 2012. Our neighbor friends were planning to put their son Ansh in a full day skiing class. Rian really looks up to Ansh, and was getting excited about skiing with him. We reached on a Saturday afternoon and just put skis on our little guy, with his best teacher - Daddy! Rian seemed very comfortable with the skis on, and was clearly enjoying Daddy's one-on-one attention. Amit realized to handle Rian on the slopes, he would need to cultivate some more skills himself, but Amit is a guy who's always up for a challenge and gets excited by a new one every time!

Capitalizing on the buddy chance, we enrolled little Rian (3yr 9mo then) into a full day ski school next day from 8:30am to 3:30pm. He was very excited in the morning. There were hiccups though - Rian came back out at 11am and refused to go in. A big bribe helped him go back in again - The Lego
7939 City Train, with tracks and the works. It was a long weekend, and on the third day, we bought a harness for Rian. This helped Rian to maintain a correct stance going downhill, and helped Daddy slow Rian down in case we had a runaway skier. Rian skied with us, with the help of the harness, and we were surprised how well he had picked up the art!! The harness helped, and so did the train bribe.

Encouraged by Rian's progress, and wanting to capitalize on the momentum again, we went the next weekend again - back to back. Just one day, Rian and us on the slopes, with the harness. Rian's train craze helped him sustain the harness adventure as a train engine Rian towed his carriage which was mostly Daddy. April 15, 2012 goes down in history as the first day Rian got into a ski lift, at 3yrs and 9mo :-) Proud parent moment! Rian skied the "Sugar n Spice" green run at Sierra-At-Tahoe resort. We took quite a few breaks, but made it down those 2.5mi in an hr. Most importantly we had that picture - all 3 of us on the top of the mountain, together, having fun, and happy!

This year we decided to continue his ski training. We've made 4 trips to Lake Tahoe so far, 3 of them on back-to-back weekends. 2 weeks after coming back from India, we made it to Tahoe on Sunday 20 Jan. On the first day, we just warmed up Rian and skied for an hr on the bunny slopes with his harness. Ansh and Rian had some snow fun together. On the second day of the same weekend, Rian was enrolled in an all day ski class - this was a not-so-fun class for Rian, without Ansh. He feigned tiredness and sleep, and pretty much didn't ski. After some prompting from us, he skied again in class. We next went on 17 and 18 Feb. On both days, Rian and Ansh had private instructors from 8:30am to 10am. This made a big big difference. After the first lesson, Rian started skiing ON HIS OWN, with no harness, no hoola hoop, and NO FEAR! He got the skiing rush, and would keep saying "Mumma wooooeeee, look at meeeeee". We were on top of the world!! Just before lunch, Rian, Amit, me, Parikshit and Ansh we all went to Sugar n Spice, a long 2.5mi green run, and Rian was a happy camper coming down it, ALL ON HIS OWN. On the second private lesson, Rian learnt how to make his turns, and practised on the half pike. Teacher Phoenix Hunter made a big impression. After the second lesson, Ansh and Rian went to big ski school and were on the slopes with the big kids.

There were some hiccups - not all a smooth journey :-) Rian likes attention and given his relatively young age, the ski school instructor had a hard time with Rian on Sugar-n-Spice after a small meltdown. Luckily Parikshit let me know, and there's nothing that a few Skittles don't solve for Rian! Rian gets tired pretty quickly, 1.5-2hrs is the tops, then he needs a good one hr break! From what I've heard from other parents, this is pretty standard. The good part, as I found out, once Rian gets his break, he's keen and eager to go back out there. I think a little bit of this rubs off from Daddy. I know it rubs off from Daddy for me :-) When a tired Amit comes in, finishes his lunch, and beams "I'm going back out there!" there's something magnetic about his spirits and it rubs off on me, edges me to go out there, have fun with him, like him!

Our third trip was a solo adventure - single parent me and Rian. We hitched a ride with Shayona, Mausami and Gunjan to make a day trip to Dodge Ridge. Rian had a 2hr private lesson signed up with Ms. Maggi. I think Rian was smiling ear to ear after hearing her name, and they hit it off pretty well. Rian mostly practised turns. At the end of the lesson, he was doing almost parallel turns! Unfortunately she spent all 2hrs on a small beginner slope, and Rian was a bit bored at the end of those 2hrs. Meanwhile I scouted out the rest of the small mountain to look for good slopes to take Rian on. His classmate Zoya was there too, and the fact that Zoya was doing blue ski runs was encouraging Rian. After an hr of lunch break, we were off to chase Zoya and her mom to the other slopes. Rian wanted to go faster and faster and just didn't want to slow down!! He fell down twice, and both were my faults - at the beginning to get onto the lift, and while getting off. We were trying to chase a blue run. Unfortunately falling twice didn't help him physically and he was just down. We took a good hr break again. After that, Rian and Mumma skied again for an hr+ till the lifts shut down at 4pm. Now that's the kind of skiing Amit taught me - taala lagaake nikalna!!

Rian at Dodge Ridge ski resort
Rian at Dodge Ridge ski resort
Our fourth trip was the most fun - Rian saw the big buses at the ski resorts and really wanted to go in them. On a third consecutive weekend on 2 March, we woke up at 3am, and were out of the door at 4am to catch a 4:30am bus. We reached Sierra-At-Tahoe at 8:30am and totally enjoyed skiing till 3. Rian and me did 4 runs of Sugar-n-Spice. Daddy did some awesome black ski runs. Rian also did a short blue run. He was very fast and very scared, but the experience really helped him to gain confidence. The bus journey was super convenient, with no overnight packing required. Rian was also free to move around in the bus. He was a very good boy and didn't scream and shout in the
bus. He was the only kid in the bus!

We are hoping to go one or maybe two more times this season. We are super happy with Rian's skiing progress, and more so with the fact that Rian's face lights up when we talk about going skiing. He wakes up at 4am and 5am to go to the slopes with us, and most importantly enjoys the whole activity :-)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Alaska: Day 5, Mt. McKinley Flightseeing

Day 5 was our drive from Denali NP to Anchorage city. The original plan was to spend some time in Anchorage, exploring the city and native Alaskan culture. But after driving through Anchorage and into Denali NP on Day 1, we had seen it was like any other city. Also we had missed our flightseeing experience in Talkeetna on Day 2 as it was cloudy. Talkeetna is midway from Denali NP to Anchorage, so we had postponed our flightseeing to Day 5 in hopes of better weather, so the revised plan was to stop at Talkeetna today. In Alaska, weather is often unpredictable and the locals are very aware and accomodating because of this, and fairly flexible towards changes in bookings. They are willing to offer a change of date, or even a refund of monies if requested.

We started off Day 5 with Rian a bit cranky at not having his toasted peanut butter jelly sandwich. My experiment of waffles with apple compote (breakfast at Salmon Bake) did not sit very well with Rian. Removing the compote did not make him happy either. He finally ended up eating bread and butter, and after a while we were all happy and adjusted with it.

Amit's camera was very impressed with what we had seen so far, and had happily eaten more than 75% of its CF card capacity. We were hoping to drive into Anchorage and buy a CF card, but we decided to look around here in Denali NP first. Luckily there was a shop offering CF cards for twice the price of :-) At least there was a choice. As we guessed, we weren't the only ones underestimating our camera storage in this beautiful place. We were all set with a new 16GB card. Trouble for the photo processor starts when the photo taker has extra memory ;-) With pictures and videos at a high resolution from Amit's Canon 7D, we ended up with a total of 25GB for the 10 days of our Alaska trip. Now you know why I've been super slow processing and uploading the photos and videos! The drive from Denali NP to Talkeetna was smooth and very scenic.

Zoom zoom zoom
Zoom zoom zoom

When we reached Talkeetna at K2 aviation, we were originally booked to fly at 2pm. Having hard a hearty breakfast, we just grabbed coffee from Nagleys and were all set. This was the first time I gave Rian 'lunchables': turkey, crackers and cheese. He really enjoyed it. With our usually fresh and healthy meals, once in a while 'junk and processed food' is allowed :-) and according to Amit, when we're traveling, anything goes! Throughout the trip, I took good care of Rian's meal schedule. We also bought half a gallon of regular milk - it's easy to carry, fills you up, gives a good, natural protein boost, and goes with even bread to make my favorite snack :D

There was some time for our flight, so we made the best of our time in downtown Talkeetna. There was a broken down train, and Rian spent his time examining it and squealing in joy. I also got some a chance to pick up memorabilia.

Rian's most memorable aspect of Alaska was the Denali Star train
Rian's most memorable aspect of Alaska was the Denali Star train

Somehow 2pm became 4pm and we were getting a bit agitated at the slow slippage of time. Lunch for us was screwed up beyond repair - the milk and fruits helped later. Now we had no time for Anchorage, we knew. We played around the little park outside K2 aviation.

More delay in flight, so we make a flight of our own
More delay in flight, so we make a flight of our own
A little bit about K2 aviation and our tour: we researched most of our tours based on feedback from tripadvisor. We also tried to see the flexibility in schedule offered by the tour operator for starting times. e.g. K2 had flights going out every hour or so. Talkeetna Air Taxi OTOH was very constrained - only 2 flight times in the day. With Rian, and the fact that we were out and about the whole day, I personally wanted to have hearty meals. If the tummy is not full, things get out of hand. So we chose K2 based on the reviews and the flexibility of lots of flying times. We wanted to definitely do a glacier landing, but were unsure how long Rian will last - 2hrs was our guestimate. So we decided to do this McKinley Flyer route. Although Day 2 left us disappointed with weather for flight seeing, Day 5 more than made up for it. It was an excellent sunny day to see the mountain. We weren't even wearing jackets - even after landing on the glacier! This was our flight route. We were outfitted with overboots and that's all we needed.

Our flight route
Our flight route

Our pilot was very cool. People can get very strict about rules and safety and all uptight about it. This man was experienced enough to tell us everything, but did not pain us about anything. Rian got all settled in and was wearing his headset. He was curiously listening to everything the pilot was saying. The set was too heavy though for his head, and then he lost interest.

Mt. McKinley from a distance
Mt. McKinley from a distance

Seeing the highest mountain peak (in US country and North America continent) was breathtaking. From far away, we could make out Mt. McKinley. The approach showed us wonderful landscape with snow untouched by humans. Seeing fresh powder less than 24 hrs new brought back memories of ski trips in Tahoe. We approached via the Kahiltna Glacier which is 36 miles long. Rivers of ice... Most epic photo of 3 of us, with the tallest mountain peak in the background is here:

Behind us is the tallest peak of Mt. McKinley
Behind us is the tallest peak of Mt. McKinley
Rian and Daddy had a blast playing in the snow. They made a snow "Mt. McKinley on top of Mt. McKinley". This line really got Rian very excited! Daddy and Rian were soaked in snow from top to bottom, with just regular clothes :-) I stayed far away, dry and warm :D

Amit truly making it fun for Rian
Amit truly making it fun for Rian
On the way back, Amit volunteered to be in the co-pilot's seat, the view was very different from his perspective.

Amit is in the co-pilot's seat
Amit is in the co-pilot's seat
Lots of teeny glaciers feeding a big one
Lots of teeny glaciers feeding a big one
By the time we were done, all of us were super thrilled and super tired. We had a mini snack - that was our substitute for lunch - with milk, fruits, and some junk from our car and drove straight to Anchorage. Rian caught a good nap on the way. We reached Anchorage just in time for dinner ~9pm at a Sushi restaurant. That night we stayed at a BnB. It was a very good big house, with many rooms. Our host was very welcoming and polite. We slept very well, with Rian having his own small bed in our room.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

42 lessons of life

This is a forward I saw on Facebook today, and it's a great list. Resonates with some of the self-help books I've read in 2012 (yes yes some of them were good material indeed). Here goes copy-pasted, not verified via snopes ;-)

Written by a 90 year old

This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read to the end!!!!!! 
Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 42 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.
My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short – enjoy it..
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will. 
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.
9. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
11. It's OK to let your children see you cry. 

12. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
13. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it...
14 Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
15. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
16. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
17. It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.
18. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
19. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
20. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
21. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
22. The most important sex organ is the brain.
23. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
24. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'
25. Always choose life.
26. Forgive but don’t forget. 
27. What other people think of you is none of your business. 
28. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
29. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
30. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does..
31. Believe in miracles.
32. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
33. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
34. Your children get only one childhood.
35. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
36. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
37. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
38. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have not what you need.
39. The best is yet to come...
40. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
41. Yield.
42. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year

This post has been wording itself in my mind over the last 5 days, so here I am, penning it down.

For the last 3 years, our Christmas and New Year's has been an amazing celebration. Starting with Dec 21 and ending on Jan 5, we're celebrating all the time. It's such a wonderful time. Jan 21 is Amit and my official wedding anniversary, the date we were legally married. We usually have our private celebration on this date. Jan 5 is our Vedic marriage date, and this is the date our parents, relatives and friends consider us officially married. It's our public wedding anniversary.

Amit and I completed 10 years of marriage this year. It has been an amazing journey together. We had planned our India trip meticulously this time around. I think we met a lot of our goals :-) We managed a 3-4 week whirlwind world tour spanning 5 cities in 3 countries: Bombay (India), Pune (India), Siem Reap (Cambodia), Chester (UK) and London (UK). I got a week of "me time" with my parents and enjoyed shopping without any responsibilities of husband and son. Amit and I got away for 4 days to visit the temples in Cambodia. All 3 of us enjoyed a week of bliss with my brother and his sweet wife in the UK.

Lots of things went well.

The flight timings worked out really good. I left mid-Saturday from here, and that gave us a good Friday evening to relax and unwind, and a Saturday morning to pack the bags. Amit and Rian left on the next Sunday morning, so Amit had a whole Saturday to pack the bags with Rian. Rian missed having people to play with as the better half was busy packing, but in the end it worked out well, Rian helped Daddy pack bags :-) Amit and I flew to Cambodia on a red-eye flight, after putting Rian to bed, and we were back on a really late night flight so when Rian woke up after 4 days, we were there with him. Our flight to London landed at 8am after a late night departure from Bombay so at least Rian slept well on the flight and we too managed 4-5hrs although in cramped seats. Good thing is we were fresh to go through all the motions of moving 6 big bags and 3 small ones, plus kiddo, through airport checkout.

Jetlag? What's that :-) We were in perpetual jetlag mode, after Amit and Rian landed in India. The stay in India for them was a mere 11 days for Rian, and 7 days for Amit (4 days in Cambodia). Their flight landed after midnight and it was 4am when we all went to bed. But everyone woke up at 8am and went to my cousin's wedding. We literally reacted as if there was no jetlag. Rian refused to sleep in the afternoons, so he was definitely a little crankier towards evenings, but he would doze off by 7pm and wake up 5-6am the next day. So pretty much he was all set. It was like the "zhatka" jetlag that we all have as adults -- we just look outside and behave that way!! Only caveat was we were super hungry in the mornings and had paltry dinners for 3-4 days while our tummys took time to adjust.

Virtually sickness free! Yup, all 3 of us did not get sick on this trip to India, Cambodia and UK. Ya there was that little sore throat for me and a bit of upset stomach for a day, but asides from that, touch wood, Rian was all well and so was Amit.

We met family! We are fortunate that our folks come and spend the summers with Rian. The kiddo enjoys grandparents' company a LOT. It makes huge leaps and changes in his growth. Aatya also comes and spends time with him, 4 times in 2012 alone :-) Rian is lucky he's close to her too. We had missed out on spending quality bonding 1-on-1 time with Mama and Mami, and this trip fixed that. We spent a week of fundoo time with both of these lovely people in the UK. We also met Shweta and Prashant in London. We met almost all of my side relatives at my cousin's wedding, and met my grandma. We made a special one day trip to Pune to meet Amit's grandpa and Amit's relatives. That made things complete.

10 years to us. Yup, unbelievable as it sounds to me, it was our 10th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful relaxing and active trip to Cambodia. We relaxed a bit on the first day and explored the local food and markets. On the second day we explored temples all day long, ending with sunset over Angkor Wat. On the third day we did the main temples in Siem Reap, starting with sunrise at Angkor Wat, and we had a guide with us. On the fourth day, we went to floating village and flooded forest Kompong Phluk on the lake Tonle Sap there, and we flew out in the evening. It was a perfectly timed trip, and the hotel ugpraded us to their Apsara suite, so we had a wonderful stay. Food was very yummy and cheap in Cambodia (I'm thinking in $ here). We had fresh nariyal pani every single day.

No mosquitoes. We're always bitten, and Rian gets big boils from mosquitoes every time. This time around the mosquitoes seemed to be dwindling and good measures were employed to keep the houses mosquito free. For Cambodia, we were both on anti-malarial medications.

Some things sucked big time.

Lost luggage. Cathay Pacific lost one bag from US to Bombay for Amit. Luckily for us, that was our UK bag, so we didn't need any of that stuff right away in Bombay. It was delivered at our door step, thanks to Amit's efforts.

Beware of customs officials at Sahar. This one really pissed me off. They wanted Rs.23,000 from me for carrying MY OWN camera lens, iPad, and some of my jewelry (which I got to repair in India). Most ridiculous experience of my life in my own country, that too at one of the top international airports. Sure I understand, lots of people skip duty and bring in lots of things into the country. But hey, dare you touch me when I'm not crossing any lines!

Luggage situation. Yes this is always an issue when we go to India. The better half complains and complains and we fight every time we pack. But we enjoy the rewards as well. We took a decision to store our bags at UK airport which cost us a lot more money, but we saved some headaches, specially tube being unreliable on weekends. But we also learnt about contract cabs that should be called for more luggage - something to remember for next time ;-) Now we're enjoying the chakalis, shankar palis and candy at home.

Some jewels to remember.

Rian's non-stop badbad
How excited he was in airplanes, and how well he behaved in general
Mera sangeet, sabka meet - now we're listening to it every morning and evening
Push present revamped - yup I got it exchanged in India for a new one!
Lots of shopping done for me - 3 sarees, 3 dresses, 3 jeans, some western wear for me
Some shopping for Amit and Rian too - something unique that we do not get here in the US
Bonding with mama mami

Overall we all had a wonderful, although a bit exhausting trip. Now we're fully recharged and refreshed for the year. Happy New Year everyone...