I switched from my regular prenatals to using DuetDHA from StuartNatal. Nutritionist Karen Ross really insisted it is very beneficial. I also saw this article on Reuters about the benefits of DHA in the last 3 months of pregnancy.
Mommy and Daddy sat together, worked hard at Photoshop, Daddy worked hard at limericks and we finally sent out an evite for the baby shower. It'll be on May 11, Mother's Day, how swell :)!!

Then Daddy went off on a week long trip to the UK for work, and Mommy was at home with Dadi. Mommy really missed Daddy and Daddy too missed Mommy a lot.
Mommy studied for 3 weeks for her VCP certification, and today morning Mommy passed the exam, yay!! I'm sure Mommy benefited from all that DHA she's eating for baby :-)
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