Rian clocked his second hike today. We went to the Los Trancos hike of the San Andreas fault. We did a shorter hike, just did one loop instead of two. I think I heard and spotted a Mountain Lion and felt it was not worth the risk for Rian, so we retraced our steps. It was just an hour long walk for us. (Be sure to ask Amit why we didn't do the 3 mile loop). This time around I carried Rian on the Ergo carrier for the whole hike. He was asleep the later half of the hike. I think he generally likes these hikes, he keeps looking around everywhere!
This was also Rian's first time with sunscreen. I got him the waterbabies pure & simple, tear free formula. Unfortunately I think I applied my sunscreen first, then used the same hands to put some on him, and some of my sunscreen went into his left eye. Poor fellow, his left eye kept tearing for almost half an hr, and he didn't crib about it at all! My cutie cute darling!
We took him to our complex pool today, and he sure was intrigued. Amit let him dip his feet in the sauna, and he enjoyed splashing around. We plan to take him to the pool with the floatation thing tomorrow. Let's see how that goes.

It's gone from a cold night requiring heaters, to a hot one where we've kept our windows open and a fan is running, tonight. What a sharp change in weather. I've dressed down Rian: only one layer on him tonight, and no blankie. Summer is here, sweetheart! Perfect timing to get those shorts out. Let's cash in on those sunshine dollars ;-)
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