Being a mom has made me a store of knowledge. I've learned a LOT from Rian as a baby, and am still learning from Rian as a toddler. I'm somewhat of a research junkie, and have done a lot of research in my pregnancy and early baby days, to add to the pool. Lots of notes from classes, fav internet links, I have a store of them physically and mentally and electronically.
Lots of new mommies (work colleagues, friends) have been asking me questions and suggestions - formula, sleep problems, newborn questions. I also learn new things in the process of discussion. Its so nice to be able to share everything I've learn from Rian. I always thought I could document all these little tidbits on the blog, but life had its own agenda I guess, and I can't kept up with the blog as often as I'd like to.
Newborns are so tender and vulnerable. They want you to hold them, coz that's what they're used to, the feeling of being inside mommy's womb. The first week is pure bliss, and the second week is frustrating, with baby unable to sleep, nursing problems, jaundice and blah. Swaddling baby was my solution to make baby feel cozy. We swaddled Rian for a month and a half for all sleep and naps. Later, mom gave up the swaddle for his naps, and we kept it for his night sleep till he was almost 4 months old. In retrospect, I should have given up the swaddle ~3 months. I kept it for a month more for personal sanity and more sleep ;-) as it took some time to get Rian used to sleeping without swaddling.
I'd highly recommend getting the DVD "Happiest baby on the block" from your nearest public library and watching it. The 5 S principles are good tools to have in your toolbelt. "Loving Hands: The Traditional Art of Baby Massage" was the book I turned to for Indian massage with full page pictures, written by a western author. It was very helpful as my mom too had no idea how to massage the baby. The "swaddle me" products from Kiddopotamus were helpful for us when Rian fought the manual swaddle I'd make with receiving blankets. Swaddling helped Rian sleep better with his reflux too.
I still remember our run to the ER on day 12. I thought Rian wasn't breathing well, and the nurse on the phone counted more than 60 breaths. Textbook and "procedure" had her directing us to the nearest ER. Stanford ER was probably overstaffed :D and they just would not let us go. We ended up spending 3am to 7am in the ER, terrified. Now I look back and laugh at the incident. Had I know newborns try to adjust their breathing patterns in the second week, I may have reacted differently.
If/when we have the second baby, it'll be so easy :-) no more long "lists" to prepare for baby, I'll know what we need like the back of my hand.
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