Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

Shh... be careful

Rian is picking up what we say, too quickly. All good and bad. Two stunning examples from today.

Rian is humming a song. I realize what he's humming, and so I ask him to say the song with words. Out come the words, promptly: My name is Sheila, Sheila ki jawani. I am totally stunned, jaw dropped wide open. Thankfully he stopped right there. He has heard this song in my car like once, just once. I think he may have seen me humming, and more importantly dancing in a very "happy" way while humming this song in the privacy of my home :-) Kids these days...

Rian loves clothes that are not tight, and hence loves his pajamas. I think they learnt about clothes in school this month.

Rian says to Daddy: I want to wear my pajamas to school.
Daddy tried to explain to him: Does Daddy wear pajamas to SpiderCloud?
Rian: No
Daddy: Does Mumma wear pajamas to VMware?
Rian: No, Mumma wears pants. Mumma wears tight pants.

Once again, stunned, totally stunned! I think he caught Amit asking me on the weekend "Aren't these pants too tight for you?" Better be very very careful what we say in front of him!


  1. M, I just can't believe Rian singing Sheila ki jawani :)

    LOL @mama were tight pants. Tanvi loves Pajama's too. I hide her favorite ones to avoid morning dramas.

    And she has one of her ears tunes to hear what we speak..we are into trouble :)

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  3. Thanks Jyoti. I like it so far :-) and got your link through Seena I believe.
