And now mommy's brain is planning to leave too, but not before a coredump -- BEEEEP -- here goes!
Rian now remembers... lots of things! He loves destroying towers of blocks we build for him. He has loads of masti up his sleeve. Check out this YouTube video of Rian and pillows on our love seat.
Rian loves exploring. He dutifully tries to open drawers in Aaji's bedroom and examines every small thing on Aaji's side table. Check out his YouTube video.
Rian sports a cute choti a few mornings, when mommy gets irritated with his long hair going into his eyes.
Rian claps when he's happy :-) It's pretty cute to see it in person. You all are invited! Aaji has taught him "ithe ithe bas re mora" and he can now point with his forefinger. This one is even cuter than Rian clapping, trust me.
2 weeks after he started walking on his own, he's now trying to run ... after geese! We discovered and fell in love with a new Park in Cupertino, Memorial Park. We went there on Saturday and Sunday evening.
Last week Rian surprised us by sleeping from 10 to 6 for a couple of nights. This week, he's back to his usual routine of waking up ~2-3am and we have to live with his kicks after that, in our bed.
Last week we tried to cut down Rian's acid reflux medicine drastically (from 1.7ml/day to 0.5ml/day) and it backfired, as usual. The poor fellow was in misery for at least 3 continuous days as food travelled back up his throat :-( We witnessed an 11pm awakening with loud wails that subsided only 15 minutes after Tylenol made it into his system. After a long time Rian threw up on Daddy's t-shirt. Sigh. Up goes Zantac, to 1.7ml/day.
Rian was up at 4am today, and didn't sleep until 5:15am, and wanted Daddy and Mommy to play with him. Since it was night #2 he was keeping us awake, off he was bundled, to grandpa and grandma. So thankful they are here now, dreading the days when we won't have that support.
Yawn. Gotta sleep now. Almost time for Rian to start doing his wakeup routine!
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