It's been two weeks since Rian took those first few steps unassisted. Suddenly a day after his birthday party, Rian just decided to start walking... all by himself... 30 steps, and more. And now he's all over the place. He never once wants to crawl anymore :-) Here's a YouTube video of Rian Butala crawling.
In these two weeks, Rian has also lost almost all his baby fat :-( I can feel his bones now when I hug him. Eh my poor little sweet thing, please don't grow up so fast... slow down...
[Edit on 7/15/09]: Since Monday 7/13/09, Rian is also on a new sleep & wake-up routine: we are brushing his teeth at night after his milk, and in the morning before his breakfast. Rian does not get any milk in the middle of the night now.
Rian now has 6 pearly whites :-)
congratulatoins proud Momma!