Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tod phod bites

This Saturday morning, we decided to stay at home and consolidate our old electronics. Daddy was also playing with Rian to put together his broken Lego City train, 7938. After ~2hrs of repairs, Daddy is happy that Rian's toy is back and fully functional. Rian is also happy and playing with Daddy. Then Mumma spins the question to Rian: Are you happy now that your train is all fixed? Daddy repeats the question to Rian (sometimes the batteries of his listening ears are weak!). Rian replies with super tod phod answer in clear crisp words: Daddy, you are happy because of your work. I'm happy because of the love!

Daddy and Mumma are standing there, speechless! True, this is a moment that has taken our breath away!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed a speechless moment :) Rian sounds super cute here :)
