Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 11, 2009

Starry starry night

That's how I can best describe the first night Rian went camping with us. Last weekend (Saturday night), we camped at Pinnacles National Monument's campground. There were 4 tents in 2 campsites. We had company: Amit's parents, Rachana, Jayesh, Parv, Mausami, Gunjan and Shayona. We had awesome food: sandwiches and bhel mix for dinner, followed by corn on the cob and smores as supper/dessert!

This was Rian's first time camping, and it was also a first for Rian's grandpa. Rian was super excited as he saw mom and dad toil around from 9am to 3pm, hustle and bustle, to get us packed and out the door. The days activities also came along: breakfast, Rian's bath, Rian's breakfast, lunch, our showers, and coffees and lunch. Amit's mom made lunch @ home for us. The poor little beemer sedan could not handle the luggage that 4 adults and a baby resulted in, when car camping :-) Luckily Mausami-Gunjan gave us a break by offering to carry some of our stuff for us. Thanks guys, because of you, we were saved from renting for 2 days. It's times like these when I wish we had a bigger car, but for now I'm happy with friends that have big cars too :-)

We timed the drive so Rian could sleep in the car while we got there. Rian woke up in an hr but thankfully went back to sleep. I think he finds his new car seat (Britax Marathon) very comfortable. Anyways, so we reached the place around 4:30 or so and paid for registration. The guys started putting up the tents and the girls were trying to help (trust me, I was!). The store closes at 6pm, so the guys bought firewood from the store. We put up tents (one for us, one for Amit's parents), while grandparents watched over Rian. Rian seemed to have had the most fun during this time: he was playing in his play yard with a few of his fav toys, and Shayona and Parv on the outside.

What did we forget on this trip? Rian's medicines. I didn't have his Tylenol, Mylicon or his regular Zantac. I guess I need to make a small first aid box for Rian, and carry it with our first aid kit from now on.

Finally we were done putting up 2 tents: one for the 3 of us, and one for the grandparents. Daddy was pooped by then, and mommy was hungry. Plus it didn't help that the place was teeming with mosquitoes :-( Anyways, once we got the Citronella candles rolling (and maybe it was the time of the day), the mosquis retreated. Rachana made some awesome sandwiches, and Mausami made some awesome bhel. Top it up with the awesomeness of wine, and we were soon in a "merry" place mentally.

We dropped by to see the show on Condors, but Rian was way too noisy for the amphitheatre, so Amit and I got back to the campsite again. The others followed. The campfire was also burning now. On the dot at 8:45, Rian started crying, and all of us were clueless, isko kya hua? Then we figured it out: his juju time and sleepy time! Amit managed to do an amazing diaper change inside the car, while I got his juju ready. After juju, 10 mins in my arms and the darling was asleep!! :-) I just didn't have the heart to put him down into the tent. Also I was damn sure he'd wake up with our noise and commotion, so up he went, right against my chest, in my Ergo carrier.

We started our hogging again :-) with bhuttas and smores. The restrooms didn't have any lights, so we went with flashlights to do the needful before turning in.

The temperatures dropped quite a lot, quickly. Inside our tent, we were on an airbed, and we zipped our sleeping bags together, and got Rian between the 2 of us. I think the cold and the bodily heat from us kept him asleep for a long time, almost till 4am which is his midnight milk time. The water had gotten so cold, he just could not drink the prepared formula! Amit tried to warm the milk in his hands, then passed the bottle to me. I held it against my warm mummy tummy :-) and it got an almost normal bodily temperature, and Rian was finally happy :-) One of those moments where I felt so proud about doing what I did to get the milk warm!

The morning was nice and warm at 8am. Yup, Rian slept through till 8am :-) Grandpa and Grandma were not quite that lucky and were almost up the whole time. Grandpa's specs lost a screw and one of the glasses came off, then grandma had to go with him to the restroom. The temperatures rose quickly in the morning, and the mosquitoes and flies were back again in the shaded areas where our tents were put up. That meant Amit and Grandma who were wrapping up the tents were bitten again. Grandpa and me fed Rian, and gave him his juju too. Grandma made tea and some sandwiches too.

By the time we were wrapped up and packed, it was 11am, and we were too tired to do anything, and it was too hot, almost 90 something! Neither Amit nor me had the enthu to continue onto a hike, so we packed up and came back in our cool beemer ride. A nice way to spend my first mother's day, we picked up sandwiches on the way, and then slept for a straight 3 hours :-)

Just keep swimming

Last Friday (5/8/09) was Rian's first time in a swim class. Rian had just crossed the 10 month mark. They call the class "Water Babies", and the child is introduced to water with the help of song and dance, accompanied by one parent. We enrolled at Santa Clara Swim School. Amit and I were taking turns, and this was my Friday. When we got there, I realized this was an open pool, not covered. It was 10:30am and the sun was pretty hot. I'd forgotten to carry Rian's "nice" sunscreen that does not burn the eyes. So I borrowed sunscreen from the pool people and applied all over to Rian. Also, I wasn't sure if Rian should be wearing any clothes, so Rian was dressed in only a reusable swim diaper. I realized later I should have made Rian were the UV protection sun suit I bought for him. I think Rian was cold although it was a heated pool. Also this was smack in the middle of his morning nap.

And off we went, into the water. From the moment we went in, to the moment Rian got out of the water, he was crying constantly. He took a few breaks, when he was stuck to me and his head nestled into my neck (very cute, me thinks!). Rian was given a floater like a noodle to keep under his arms but I think that was hurting his hands. So we got a *pink* floating tube for Rian. We sang lots of songs and did some antics including putting Rian's head under water.

Finally the half hour was over and Rian was happy again, stuck to me. I took him into the women's shower room. I must mention: I could not have pulled this one off without Amit's mom. There were warm showers and Rian felt better once I gave him a shower and rubbed him warm. Then it was clothes and all warm warm ... by the time we were done and outside, Rian was in a playful mood again.

I'm thinking it was the first time for Rian, and his reaction was thanks to the water being cold, the sunscreen stinging him, and the being-in-the-water-for-the-first-time scare as well. It seems HD is not too keen on taking him since MIL mentioned Rian's getting dark. 10:30am in this almost summer weather can get pretty darn hot. So maybe we'll withdraw him from class, maybe HD will take him next Friday, we'll see... Up next, Rian's first camping trip :-) update!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

And the games begin

... at 9pm :-( Lately Rian has taken to play when I try to put him to sleep. Teething has altered Rian's routine quite a bit. Giving Rian his last milk feed of the day was a totally relaxing experience - up until 2 nights back.

Old scene: Dim the lights, start the lullaby. Rian gets the clue that he will get his juju now. He doesn't fight, lies down on my legs, and we have the milk, sometimes all 7oz in one go, sometimes two installments of 5oz and then 2oz. Then Rian snoozes on my chest for about 15 mins, I get a burp out of him, and then I put him down in his crib. All in all, 30 mins.

New scene: Dim the lights, start the lullaby. Rian get the clue that he will get his juju now. He doesn't fight, lies down on my legs, and we have the milk, BUT only 2oz or so. After that, he's up and about on the bed, rolling on the pillows, burrowing in the comforter, making noises, screaming, pulling my hair, playing with me. Last night he added to that: grab mommy's ear and pull her face right next to mine. Then, suck each part of her face... left cheek, suck suck suck suck... oh mommy pulled back! Pull her ear again, right cheek suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck suck... oh poor mommy pulled back after a long time (and yes she has a hickie on her right cheek now!), right eye, left eye, forehead, nose, lips, all suck suck suck. Now give me the juju again. Once again, its only 2oz, then play time :-) Man the kid has energy!

Maybe all that sucking was his 10 month bday special :-) Maybe it was letting Mommy know "I love you mommy!" :-)

Effective sleep time has been pushed back from 9pm to 10pm. So mommy was sitting with Rian in bed from 8:45 to 10pm ... Sigh. And then we're awake at 7am. Give me my goobie back, you tooth fairy!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tooth fairy

Since yesterday, Rian's lower right central incisor has started erupting outside of the gumline. Daddy noticed the first signs of the pokey thingie, and was of course elated. Rian cried a lot last night at 2am, and milk is not what he needed. So Mommy gave him some Tylenol and held onto little Rian till his cries and sobs had subsided. Teething pain is striking Rian pretty bad right now. Hope he gets over it in 4-5 days. Hope to soon publish a photo of the pearly white, when Rian will allow us to take it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


That's what Rian has been engaging grandpa in! So we were off today to Carter's to get some clothes for little Rian. Sitting in the backseat of the car, Rian started making noises. Aa, aaaa, uh hu, aaaaaaaaa, and grandpa picked up and started imitating him. So Rian kept up the pace, and produced new sounds, with voice gradations, different volumes and different pitches :-) It was so cute, Mommy couldn't resist and joined in.

Daddy and Atya were in the other car, so they missed out on this, but sure enough Rian pleased them later at home by repeating the same performance.