Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ready for a second one?

Taking a cue from a friend's blog post, and exploring a "keeda" in my brain, I decided to see Rian's readiness for a sibling. Don't ask me why, just listen to this story as it happened 2 nights back. As I thought about it today, little tears swelled up just thinking about the emotional maturity that a 3 year old boy can have. Love you sweetheart, may you always be so welcoming of change, and family.

Me: Rian, do you remember how Parv dada has a little sister, Kriti baby?
Rian: Hmm
Me: Would you like to have a baby sister? We can go to a store where they give out little babies, and we can pick a baby boy or a baby girl for you to play with.
Rian: Mumma I want a little sister.
Me: Rian, are you sure you want a little sister? Or would you prefer a baby boy brother?
Rian: A little sister.
Me: You'll have to take care of your little sister, and you'll also have to change her diaper. Will you help Mumma with all this?
Rian: Mumma, I will change the diaper. Mumma, I will share all my toys with her.
Me: That is so nice Rian, I'm proud of you!
Rian: Mumma, I want to go to Kayaan baby's house. I want to play with him, and I want to change his diaper.
Me: (melted in a pool of love right there!)


  1. Mom and Dad are you hearing Rian? Are you sure you can buy babies from store..Let me know, I want to buy one for Chucky too :)

  2. The only way Rian can have a sibling is if she comes from a "store", not from Mumma, that is Daddy's stance, and unlikely to change. "store" maps to lot of complications for us, still need to do lot more research on how/when/why/what if ... u get the drift!

  3. Oh this is exactly my idea and I recently discussed with R. I was surprised to hear from him that he likes the Store baby idea..We think alike :)

  4. That is so good to know :-) We have another friend couple in Austin who are on similar lines...

  5. Rian is a sweetheart :)
    Come on mum and dad get ready to get Rian a baby sister ;)

  6. you are ready with all the work that comes with a second one...that is awesome. Why does Daddy insist on baby coming from "store"? Pregnancy and labor are easy...parenting is difficult, at least that is what I think.

  7. Thanks for dropping by Chatterbox :-)

    Kasturi, we are totally not ready - this was just idle conversation with Rian. I just ended up finding out what "he" wants :-) Amit and I are practical about these things, and we have some "goals" to be reached before we start investigating on this front. Daddy says there are already so many babies in this world, why not bring one from the "store" and give it a loving home? Totally agree with you that pregnancy is the easy part, parenting is the one that no one prepares you for.
